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Development Services

Encanto Heights Block 12

ENCANTO HEIGHTS BLOCK 12.tif:SJICAl"l'O DIGB'fS BLOCIC 12 I,c,t 1- Perait to Shel'll&n-Oray, Inc. t.o divide said parcel, SJ: corner ot 60th & Bdwy, into 3 parcels, ea fronting on Bdwy (R.o.s. 1284) & perait ainale faa res on ea, providing setbacks are intained. Res. 1'0. 2562 10-8-47-------------------....---------------------------------------------------------------------'I 105' of Lot l Perait to John Bakkers, Owner, & George Adas & Gregory D. Galvan, Purchaser, to divide into 2 parcels & build single fa. res on ea, S side Bdwy, 19()' J: of 60th St. Res. 1'0. 4648 5-3-50------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------W 100' of 1' 147 1 of Lot ll- Permit to John M. & Marjorie to divide into 2 parcels, ea 50' x 147 1, & erect single fu res on ea, S side of Bdvy, 100' W of 63rd. Res. Jo. 5865 9-5-51------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ W 100' of 147' of Lot 11- 6 aoa extensi0n to ABOVll Rea. l"o. 5865. Res. Ro. 6288 3-19-52------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sly 70' of Lot ll- Pemit to Wm.. & Virgim.a Greg to aplit parcel & constr 2 ingle_____!!!_!:!!1.-~_!!~_J!:!!1._!!f!:2!-!!1:-~-2!_!!!!l.:__________ J!!!.:.!2.:_7!2!____ 2:fil:2j______ W 90' of Lot 10- Perait to Carroll E. & Snowie B. Co1'field. to constr pr IIOve in res,_____!'!;!!!!f-~-~!:!_~~-!~!L-~2-!~!l!-~2~!!;,:_______________ ~!!!_!~!-~~~----~:!~:~------ E 50' Lot 10- Pel'11:it to Sewell & Wellie M. Saith to constr res, 3 unit 011._____!~!l~-!~:t-~?_!~!l!-------------------------------~!!!_!!!.~!2!____ ~:~:~------ w Lot 9- Perait to Clyde & Agnes:BoWll&ll, Owners, John Breshears, Purchaser, to constr ~-~B1~!1._.!!~_!!!!l1.-~!!!_~~-~-~-~:!!-~2~-~:!.:-------~!!!_!2!_2!j7____ ~:P.::22______ Por Lot ll- Perait to Albert Conary to constr res at SW corner 63rd. & B. dvy, parcel split after but prior to 12-5-541 Zone R-2. Case lo. 1163. 5-6-57