Encanto Heights Block 4
ENCANTO HEIGHTS BLOCK 4.tif J:WCAl'l'O DIGJl'l'S BLOCK 4- Lot 15- Pel'llit DEIIIED to Arabella V. Wihs to 1110ve res to:front PL v/12 1 setback; 612 Stork St. 4--25-32------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ East 50 feet of Lot 9- ZA DENIED request of Siham Tawfique, owner and Nooradin Tawfique, lessee to sell beer and wine in an existing grocery store where such use requires a Conditional Use Permit, located at 6314-16 Akins Street, MF-3000 zone. C-20009 08-12-88 Bll,ot\7- AGREEMENT with CLIFTON CAMMON, JR,, to convert 391 sq/ ft. unit addressed as 549 63rd to guest quarters with no address containing full bathroom, located at 547, 549 63rd Street, SF-6000/SESDPD Zone AGREEMENT NO. A-5411 8/17 /92---------------------------------------------------------- \ \