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Development Services

Encanto Heights Block 5

ENCANTO HEIGHTS BLOCK 5.tif E1'C.All'l'O DIGJl!S BLOCK 5 lly 132' Lot 17- Perait DDIED to Russell R. White to conatr 10' x J.2' office bl.dg in connection v/luaber yd, 1'W corner Akins & 64th St. Rea. Io. 7753 9-30-53------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por Lota 8 & 9- Request TABLED to Dale & Francia I. to develop u a storage & illpound yd where retail stores are perm at 6370 Akins Ave, Zone "C", c.u.P. case 1'o, 7735 6-10-66------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lota 8 la 9.AMDDID by ZA to incl.ude Wly 70.8 of Lot 17 It Ely 132' ot Lot 17- Perllit to Dale & Francia I. Townsley (OWnera Lota 8 & 9 & Wly 70.8 or Lot 17), ThOIIU & Mildred Freeman, OWnera, & Dale T. & Francia 'l'ovn.sley, Lessees (132' of Lot 17), to develop as a storage & illpound yd where retail stores are pera, on Lota 8 & 9, req.AM.UDID by ZA to include Lot 17, all in connection v/auto repair & body shop, 6370 Alcina Ave; Zone "C"; Condl. C,U,P. Case ll'o. 7735 7-25-66-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------E:q T,""..,o '-> '--(',.., aye.:. (5'-.:,(.-i.'1) "''" "-' \l !> 6-~ ~lo 9 x.T- Tl""-f.; oF Cod../1-13 pte_,ott_ 1 o---__;;tv ~~-- 7-J-76 (t2.-ltf69) /c?-.3/-70 <~-3o-7o)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 8, 9 & 17- Perm GRANTED to John D. & Dana K. Proffitt, Owners, to maintain use of prem as storage & impound yd in connec w/automotive repair & body shop, where retail stores perm (See C-7735)- 6370 Akins Ave betw 64th St & Stork St, Zone "C"; Condi. H!;_._:_/4_#~1t.:_~t:~!f..'t-:!.~.:Z?..2_~f-..:.:-#-_~-~.:.:t:.~!-S!~-a.~:.;:1,~J~~--------~=~~=~~------- ~-r- ~ "'f p-> ._,'f-lfs- il,.. ("/-t"r-7'1,).~-- ZAj,j 6:})jN', s v_~. t-/- I g-_?5('1-13- f)) ~ ~-4 7"-1;3- '!J..