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Development Services

Encanto Heights Block 9 Card 1

ENCANTO HEIGHTS BLOCK 9 CARD 1.tif;>:::-i: 1232L - to allow: ~ exi,t chool b1.., -.:! =~n Ave; ORAR'l'ED to S,D, Unified School Dist (R,C.Dailard), 825 Union St. Res. Ko. 75683 12-2-41 Por Lot 7- Permit to Gail R. Schwarz to conatr 2 living units on parcel split after zoning but prior to 12-5-54, Wunderlin Ave betw 63rd & 65th Sts. case Ko. 831 ll-9-56 Lots 5-9- Permit to Benny Yee, owner & Veterans of Foreign Wars, purchaser to cone; tr fraternal organ bldgs, parking spaces & recreational area where such use is not permitted at the northwest corner of 69th St.~ Broadway- R-2 Zone Corxil C se 8912 10-16-68 ~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 5-9- Permit to Encanto VFW 6874 to constr fraternal organ. bldgs, parking & recreational areas, where res use only is perm on Evelyn St betw 69th & Broadway, R-2 Zone,_ condl. L~.-!Ip_'l;16-J;._. (Y-y:?d -----------c-10033_____ 9-15-70_________ 11,1,, q_,s.7j_ G-s-n..,). Ir- ",,'/ (9.f.. 71)