Encanto Heights Block F
ENCANTO HEIGHTS BLOCK F.tif DCAl'l'O DIGJl'l'S BLOCK "F" Lot 9- Permit granted to 0, H. MacDonal.d to constr retaining wall It- tt. h1 & a If. hi wire tence 011 top ot wall, total ot 8 1, SW corner Imperial Ave 66th It.------------------------------------------------------111&-li&-2!12____________ 7:32:!7_____ Lots ll-15- Permit to Harlin P, Kermicle, Victor T, Wiglesworth and Joseph Owashi to dev property located on the east side of 65th St. betw Imperial and Benson Avenues. Zone R-1-5. also portion Lot 6, Encanto Subdiv. LC-25 1-15-73 \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 1 & 2-ZA DENIED request of HING TON QUON & YOKE SUE QUON to sell distilled spirits at an existing grocery store that is currently only licensed to off-sale beer and wine where a CUP is required to change an existing license at 6503 Imperial Ave, Zone C._________________________________________________ C-19560_____________________ 4/10/87_________