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Development Services

Encanto Heights Tract 2 Block 17 Card 2

ENCANTO HEIGHTS TRACT 2 BLOCK 17 CARD 2.tif ENCANTO HEIGHTS TRACT #2 BLOCK 17 " CARD #2 Lot 2- Permit to E.L. Bartlett to install 2 diamond Little League ball park with dugouts, bleachers and one refreshment stand, wnere duplex/2 units perm in tne 6500 blk N side of Broadway, 400' East of Klauber Ave., Zone R-2. c-6322 3-3-59 APPEALED by Thomas A. Chitty- Appeal DENIED and the decision of the Z.A. was sustained & affirmed and cond imposed. C-6322 4-3-64 Ext of time to exp 12-1-69 (6-18-69) Ext of time DENIED but APPROVED an adjusted ext of time cond'l ext to exp 11-1-66(5-27-66) " " to exp 12-1-70 (11-24-69)- ext of time to exp 12-1-71 (11-18-70) ext of time tq e~ 12-1-72 (12-2-71)- ext of time to exp 12-1-73 (12-19-72) 11 '--r It I- 1 <./ (!;t-5"'73) t--J, 'J.76"-7u5 ea, Lot 4- Permit to Salvadore & Emma Mangusing to convert sin fam res into a chicken coop AGREE #685. 5-8-58 Lot 14- The Assist Z,A, considered the request of J. Guadalupe & Maria Padilla to erect 120' of ret wall, ranging in height from 4' to 61 obs O' SB where max 3' high ret wall is perm in estab 30' SB, at 6620 Broadway betw Madera St and IO.auber St,, Zone R-1~10 1 and has DENIED as submitted, but APPROVED the wall a max ht of 4 1-8" obs O' front yard SB, C-12707 N,H. 6-11-74