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Development Services

Encanto Lot 11

ENCANTO LOT 11.tif ENCANTO LOT 11-; Permit to E. A, Sutton, 2690 Dove St, to constr 4 single fam res in zone R-1, w/grant to City of easement to widen Skyline Dr to 80 1, ea parcel of ground to contain over 5000 sq ft. Res. No. 71092 4-2-40------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SEly portion Lot 11- Lying So of Skyline Drive & east of 66th St (except the So 75' thereof) split into 3 bldg sites to permit single fam dwell on ea parcel. Baldelli Res. No. 1402 3-28-46-----~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SEly portion of Lot 11- Lying So of Skyline Dr & E of 66th St, except the S 75' thereof, Permit to Desiderio & Mary Baldelli to divide this parcel into 3 parcels, & permit a single fa.m res on ea. Res. No. 3026 4-7-48------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Portion Lot 11- Fermi t to W. M. & Mildred Maxey to constr bearrn, li v rm, attach garage & breezeway aadrr to exist single fam res, lot split prior to 12-5-54, at 6605 Skyline Dr Zone R-1. Case No. 30!11 1-15-60--------------------L--------------------------------------------------------------------- Por. Lot 11- Permit to Juanita and Theron Sykes to constr 594 sq. ft. bedroom and washroom addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs an 11 ft. rear yrd where 20 ft. is req, at 6605 Cielo Dr. betwn 66th St. and Pagel. Place, Zone R-1-5- Cond'l c-11,970 6-5-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 11-. Hillside Review Permit to Lamonte for house addn, at 6370 Shaul es St 315-HR 8-25-76--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------