Encanto Lot 20 Card 1
ENCANTO LOT 20 CARD 1.tif ENCANT0!:.OT 20 Lot 20 and Por s 1/2 Denver Avenue (closed)- Permit to Mrs. Yoshiko Kusumoto to erect and main for one year a 4'x8'x7'-high double-faced, freestanding, non-ilium subd directional sign advertising "Madrone Estates" homes located 1/2 mi le to the North; sign to obs 10' st sd yd on Skyline Drive at 6655 Skyline Drive. Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-14224. 4-21-77.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 20- Permit GRANTED to ZARRI & CLARK CORP. AND ASSOC. #3 LTD., a Limited Partnership, owner/permittee, to construct and operate a PRD located on the south side of Skyline Drive and the east side of Leghorn Avenue, Zone R-1-5 (proposed R-2). PRD #20-259-0 3-7-83