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Development Services

Encanto Lot C

ENCANTO LOT C.tif, ENcAN'ro LOT "C"- d- 41 Per- Permit to Capital Incomes Corp by Arthur Shepard, 5873 El Cajon Blvd.; Res 73636- 3-18-l to constr 6 dwell, ground area for each approx 1 acre in size; 10 1 to be added to width of Detroit Ave., thru prep, Grants 5 res, ea on parcel at least 1 acre. Detroit Ave. 65th- 330-360 Res 68604 12-6-38 Por- Permit to Hugh H. & Gladys Keel and Mrs, Melba Hoffman to constr sin farn res making total of 2 units on par eel not having full front on dedicated st, at 6303 Detroit Ave. A-988-6-25-58. Cond'l. c-788 10-1-56 Por- Permit to Hugh H. & Gladys Keel and Mrs. Melba Hoffman to cons tr res making 2 uni ts on parcel without full front on street at 6303 Detroit Ave. (C-788 expired) C-2025 8-29-58 Por- Permit to Mrs Melba Dott Hoffman to constr a sin fam res ma.king a total of two units on a parcel not having full frontage on dedicated street. AGRE:E f/988 10-1-58 Por- Pennit to John Sanchez to constr sin fam res, total of 2 units on lot split after orig zoning but prior to 12-5-54 at 6309 Detroit Ave. Zone R-1. C-2251 1-22-59 Ely 120' of W 265 1 of N 330' exc N lO'to J. Michael & Grace Murphy to constr sin fam. res, total 2 units, prior to 12-5-54, 6323 Detroit Ave. Zone R-1. Cond'l. c-2383 3-20-59-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------