Encanto Lot H Card 1
ENCANTO LOT H CARD 1.tif ENCANTO CARD #1 t, Lot 37- Permit Broker's Mortgage Co., Owners & James Earl Griffin, Purchaser to constr SFD & provide access to prop with driveway across Lot 30 where all req parking shall have direct & convenient access to adjc public st or alley, at 6423 Medio St. Zone R-1-5. Block H C-13,905 10-21-76 West 1/2 of Lot 3- Permit APPROVED by ZA to ALFRED J. RYAN to move a one-story, single- family dwelling onto the west one-half of Lot 3 with access to required parking by means of an easement across adjoining lot (Lot 2), where required parking must have direct and adjacent access to a public street, located at 6377 Madrone Avenue, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-18482 6-29-84