Encanto Park Addn Card 1
ENCANTO PARK ADDN CARD 1.tif 001-LL'C)-OO & ~-\ 1'5;: DC.All'l'O PARK ADDITI0Jf 5,y. Card Jfo. l Lots 52, 53 & 5lt. & E t ot 48-50- Permit DDIED Kelen McCabe, Rte. 3, Box 767-B, San Diego, for 7-unit trailer camp. Res. Jfo. 76765 4-28-42--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 43, 44 45- Permit to Albert R. & Laurea L. Long to conduct a Rome for aged persona & tor convalescent patients, w/..x. nUllber of 8 people; 405 Ritchey St. Condl. Rea. Ko. 1164 U-8-45--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lota 43, "- 45- Perait to Albert R. Ila Laure& L. Long to add. 4 patients,-.king total of 12 patients, me for Aged and Convalescents (See.ABOVJ:).------------------------------------------------------!!!:_!~:-gl!~------------~:2:!1_______ Lot 7- Pel'llit to A. P. Klein. to rellOdel add to exist garage v/no setback traa WoodaM-----!!t-~-~~~-~!!------------------------------!!!:_!~:-~1~------------!=~=~------ Lota 55-56- Perait to Edw. w. Schaub to conduct part-time busineBB u locksllith Ila repair pa stoves & lanterna; 1403 Ritchey St.; Condl. Res. Jfo. 3753 3-23-49--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 43-"-- Perait to E. J. Saith to add 4 l'IU 1 toilet & sun m to exist Icae tor Aged & Conft.lescenta, to accoaodate 8 addn patient&J 405 Ritchey.-------------------------------------------------------------811a-12a-!:t25Q_____ ~:!2:!2______ Lot 51- Permit to c.:a:. Coleman, Purchaser, & A. Ruth Sayary, OVner, to constr 42 x 25' bldg tor nail anillal clinic at SJ: corner Drake & Iaperial Ave; Zone "c"; Condl. Cue Jfo. 1896 8-22-58--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 51- Permit to Chas. H. & Elisabeth M, Colman to maintain exist usage ot aa+l anime.1 clinic; no overnite patients, SE corner Drake St &~al AveJ 6711 Iaperi&l. Ave; Zone "C"; Condl. cue Ro 3891 2-24-61 3 yr. Extension to expire 6-30-67 (6-4-64) 3 yr. Extension e 6-30-70 (6-13-67) \ ext!_o exp 6-30-73 (6-9-70) ~f4o/f-"i.-Jo-?0(,... v-n) ~~- 9-&-7 '