Encima De San Diego
ENCIMA DE SAN DIEGO.tif EBCill DJ: SAIi m:mo sny por of Lot 162- Permit to City of San Diego to constr & intain a steel water tower, 70' hi, v/750,000 pl. conical top tank, 43' in diaeter on the Wl.y"&ide of_____!!!!!!~e-~t-~fl!~~-~:.!~!~-~!_!!e!~e.!!=!....____ ~!!!_!~!-~~---------!=~2:!7____ Por Lot 162- Perait to Edward & Virginia Pif'&ri to split out por & conatr single fa res w/19' rear yd, Saide Benson Ave betw semicircle of Aviation Dr. Rea. Ko. 7438 5-27-53------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1,- 650 1 of Lot 161- Permit to Ira F. &: Dorothy lop.rth to constr single f&lll res on this parcel; Skyline Dr, lying J: ot Woodman St; Condl.. Rea, o. 8786 3-2-55------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ny 650 Lot 161- 6 ao ext to Res. 8786 ABOVI: to Ira F. & Dorothy Hogarth to conatr single f- res on Skyline Dr, lyina:I of Woodaan St; Condl, Rea. Ko. 9206 9-26-55 Por Lot 162- Perai t to Ed & Virginia Pifari to conatr single tam dwell v/ attached garage,-iting 2 units on por Lot, at 6741 Benson Ave; Zone R-L cue o. 2936 11-20-59------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 6- Permit to Henry C & Bobbie C Smith to erect 50' of 10 1 retain. wall on Lot, at at 6615 Aviation Dr; Condi. Case No. 14038 12-7-76 Lots 40 & 42- Permit to Sal lee Imports, Inc. and Lawrence M. & Jean C. Chapman to move on a sfd, to obs a 6' 111 front yard on Pagel Place. 150 South Woodman Street. Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-15J49Jl/l.4-19-78.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------