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Development Services

Essex Place Block 1

ESSEX PLACE BLOCK 1.tif-Lots 9 & 10- Permit to Jennie G. Parrish to operate the business of refinishing & repairing turniture in an exist garage bldg at 1712 Essex St, tor a period ot 6 mos. froa the date of this Resolution. Res. lo, 1527 5-9-46------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lota 11 & 12- Permit Dllf.IID to Capri 'fbreatre, Inc., Burton I. Jones, President, Lessee, & Kenneth A, & llaie 0, Reite, OVners, to operate parking lot tor the use ot patrons ot Capri Theater, lighting & signs, on K aide Essex St, W ot Park B1 Yd.; Zone R-4. Rea. lfo. 9392 2-1-56------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lota 7 tbru 12- Perait to Capri Theatre, Inc., {Burton I. Jones), Purcbuer, c. Marvin, S. J. Scranton, K. A. Reite, OVnera, to opera parking lot in connection w/theater; 1704-1720 Easex St; Zone R-4; Condl. Case lo. 1758 4-4-58------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 1-4- Due to time and inactivity by applicants, variance application is deemed expired. close case for request for property located at 3812 Park Blvd. c-18022-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------