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Development Services

Euclid Manor Card 1

EUCLID MANOR CARD 1.tif EUCLID MAlfOR O0J15J. S-J 5" Cf CARD NO, 1- 1 Lota 107 tbru 110 & 115 tbru 122 Permit DDIED to A. E. Wilson to build re & garage, re to have 5' aide yd, garage 4 1 aide yd, ManzaD&rea Way. Rea. 5853 thru 5864 9551------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A. JI:. Wilaon (ABOVE) to build 12 res w/5' side yd, garage 4 1 aide yd, Manzanares Way;_____;Q_~!~!!!~~-~!!~!~!---------------------~!!!_QQ_!~~I~~------------2:~:2!_________ Wly 60 1 Lot 32- Pe?'llit to D, F. Morrison to build single hm res, La Pu DriTe. Res. No. 6310 3-19-52------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 102- Permit to Roger & Lucy Bennett to conatr 76 1 of retain wall, 4 18" to 5'4" hi, in front of setback line, NE corner Santa Rosalia Dr & San Alberto Way. Res. No. 6984 11-12-52------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 118- Penlli t DDIED to Mike & Jacqueline DiMaggio to convert attach garage into_____!!!!~.i~!~!L.!L~:~:_!!~-~L-2~~-~!~!!.!!l!----~!!!_!~!-l~-----!!:!~:2~-- E 27' Lot 32- Permit to Harold D. & Mary K, R8lll0 to erect garage to be used in conj w_/ai?J&]. fam res on Lot 8, Blk 20, Valencia Park 12, 5226 La Paz, both pieces to be kept in 1 ownership. Rea. No. 7926 12-9-53------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 118- Permit to Mike & Jacqueline DiMaggio to eonatr a4dn to res that has 318" side yd on west side, addn to be on e-.t side & observe 51 side yd, 5202 Manzanares We;y. case No. 103 2-17-54------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 123 except E 60 1- Pel"llit to Western Mutual Corporation to use for parking in connection w/park & Food Center on adj parcel, N side Manzanares Way, E of Euclid; Condl. Rea. No. 8353 7-7-54@