Eureka Lemon Tract Lot 4 Card 1
EUREKA LEMON TRACT LOT 4 CARD 1.tif LO'!' 4 Lot 4 S 200' of W 700'- Howard E. Ward & Pearl E. Martinsen, 4 <> 74 Ingalls St, to conduct an auto trailer-camp of 70 units, Pacific Iiway near Bunkerhill St; camp to be in accordance w/revised plans aublli tted to Planning C011111. Res. No. 73634 3-18-41 Ext, 90 days from 6-18 Res. No. 74448 6-24-41-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------s Lot 4- Permit to Goldie B. Jones to erect & operate 105 unit trailer camp at Pacific_____ flg~--IYVHr.m11.C2n!U&..... ~-----811&-121&.375l.&.3TI8________ 3:23:!2---------- lft Lot 4- Conell permit to Carl J. Jlansen to build la operate 105 unit trailer camp, Pacif'ic nway & Bunker Hill, Res. 1'os. 3806 & 3807 4-6-49-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------st Lot 4- Ext to Res. No. 3751- Goldie B. Jones Res. Ko. 4-182 9-21-49 Ext to Res.!Jo. 3778- Goldie B. Jones- Res of Prop Use Res. No. 4-183 9-21-49---------------~---------------------------------------------------------------------------1ft Lot 4- Conell permit to Carl J. Ianaen to build la operate 100 unit trailer park, E side Pacif'ic Jliway, of Bunker Jlill. Rea. No. 5035 10-4--50 Rea of' Prop Use to Carl J. BanaenJ Conell. Rea. No. 5014 10-4-50 st Lot 4, except at- Permit to Clarence W. Bishop to erect 57 unit addn to exist 24 unit trailer park; 6505 Pacif'ic Biway; Conell. Res. No. 5512 5-2-51 Rea of Property Use Res. No. 5513 5-2-51------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------lff Lot 4- AMDD Rea 5035, Item #1 as to 3' hedge, planting to start within 90 days of' f'inal. approval., completed in 6 mos.- Carl J. Jlansen Res. No. 5650 6-27-51 AMERD Item #1, hedge not req until State has acquired necessary land for hiway Res. No. 6153 1-23-52