Eureka Lemon Tract Lot 5 Card 2
EUREKA LEMON TRACT LOT 5 CARD 2.tif EUREKA LEXJN TRACT wr 2 Por.- Pennit to Southern Calif. Children's lid Foundation, Inc., owner, and Wolff Motors, lessee, to const 20 1 x 66 1 addn to exist sales bldg and tl} maintain exist light standards obs 0 1 SB and encro 101 into req 101 landscape area; (2) maintain exist ground ID sign obs 0 1 SB & encro 101 into req 101 landscape area and 15" over public prop; (3) to erect one 32 sq. ft., double-faced, interior lighted, 29 1 high ID sign encro 101 into req 101 landscape strip and 41 over public prop; (4) to eliminate req 101 landscape strip on private prop but ing 10' landscape strip on public prop adj to the sidewalk, on Mission Bay Dr., betw Balboa Ave. &!3unker Ji,i_ll St., Zone C-lA, Cond. 11._'3 t- L- 1-f I 5 Case No. 8428 ll'!".29-67 Sl!JII L 2iu Of iiec t=i:r.,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por- Permit to Donald K. Miller, owner and Mission Bay Volkswagen, Lessee to erect one free standing, double faced, interior illuminated sign 7' x 38 1 witn 8 1 x 8 1 emblem on top at Interstate 5 between Bunker Hill and Garnet Ave. Zone R-4. TABLED.1, ; C-11273 Filed 6-22-72 Por Lot 5, 6 & 28- Permit to Donald K Miller to (1) erect 32.85 sq. ft. mansard roof sign where wall signs only are perm; (2) erect dble-faced, ilium gr sign 20' hi & 75.6 sq. ft. ea face; (3) one order menu board approx 8 1 hi x 3' wide where max gr sign area may not exceed 37.5 sq. ft. & (4) two sin faced directional signs 4' hi, face of ea sign 11 x 3' where only I such sign is perm at ea entrance or exit driveway, 4615 Mission Bay Dr., zone.c-1s, (1) APPROVED: (2) DENI ED: (3) APPROVED; (4) APPROVED-,... () c-13582 5-1 2- 76 BD OF ZONING APPEAL DEN I ED------ 7-2-76__...------------. -,-...-----~-~--------------------------------------------------