Eureka Lemon Tract Lot 6 & 28 Card 1
EUREKA LEMON TRACT LOT 6 & 28 CARD 1.tif EUREKA LEMON TRACT Lots 6 and 28 ~l Lota 6 & 28- Permit to Ernest Roepke to build 40-unit trailer camp at SE corner Pacific Hiwa.y & Bal.boa per plans submitted & no occupancy until completed. Res. No, 74318 6-3-41;~;-~~;;-6-;-20--:--;~;;;i:-;;;;~;-;~-~;~;:-~;;~;;:r~;;:-~-;;;;:~;-;;;;_-;-;;~;;;;-;;:------- Purchaser, to erect storage warehouse, Sl.y side Bal.boa Ave. 6 mos. ext. Ree. No. 6956 & 6985 Res. No. 7343 ll-12-52 4-15-53 Por Lot 6- Permit to Bekin Van & Storage to constr retain wa.1l 10' hi w/6 1 hi chain line fence on top, 2951 Bal.boa Ave. Res. No. 7841 l0-28-53------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por Lot 6- Tide Water Assoc. Oil Co, to use for parking area in connection w/service stain adj. "C" Zone, ~ corner Bal.boa Ave & Pacific Hwy, Zone R-4, Cond park are be paved. .. Case No. 419 4-27-56-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por Lots 6 & 28- Whitney Waterman, Jr., DeLuxe Trailer Pk, build & operate 87-unit trailer park. D,U.P. case No, 1319 8-14-57 Por Lota 6 & 28- Permit Bekins Van Tstorage Co. to conatr approx 25' x 60 1 concrete blk bldg observ O' rear yd (15' req), 0' aide yd (4' req), SW por of parcel for storage of packing matl, 2949 Bal.boa Ave "c" & R-4. cues 3139 & 3140 2-26-60-------------------------------------L----------------------------------------------------- Lot 28- Permit to L. M, McCormick, Owner, & P. L, Parker, Lessee, to operate go1f driving range & constr 16 1 hi woven wire fence at Bal.boa Ave & Pacific Hwy. Res. 1387 & 1388 3-14-46-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------