Evangelical Lutheran Church Card 6
EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH CARD 6.tif EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 62,,412."J> #-~-Lot l- Permit to American Lutheran Church to constr church plant on Eckstrom Ave. Zone ~~~?2:L~~..z.r____ ~~~---1=~i~~z.L_..A..~~~~~~-L~:?:.~~~t:~~=~:____________ Lot l- Z,A. considered appl of Evangelical Lutheran Church, Owner and c. & F. Deve. Co. Lessee, to erect and maintain for period not to exceed 1 yr, one 10' x 24' double-faced, directional sign back of SB advert "Fireside College Park Hom.es" for sale in new sub located near Ashford & Baltic Sts. at 7250 Eckstrom St., NE corner Hathaway St. Zone R-1, and has DENIED as requested a 10' x 24' sign, but APPROVED 41 x 8 1 sign. Cond 'L c-6279 2-7-64 ext of time to exp 3-1-66 {2-5-65) Lot 1- Permit to Atonement Lutheran Church, OWner and A. R, Wylie Sign Co., Lessee to erect and maintain for a period not to exceed two years, one 4 1 x 81 single-faced direct- ional sign back of SB advert "Swmnit" for sale in new subdiv located near Mt. Ara.rat and Ar lane Dr. at 7178 Eckstrom Ave. betw Balboa Ave. and Cosmo Court. Zone R-1-5. Cond' L C-11503 N.H. 9-12-72 ext of time to exp 9-12-74 (9-6-73) II II II II II 9-12-75 (9-5-74 If Ir 11 ' If?- /;J. 71, (,r- .)'J 7S)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot l- The Z.A. considered the request of Antonement Lutheran Church Building Fund, owner A. R, Wylie, lessee to (1) erect & maintain for a period of one year a 4 x 8 1 overall ht 12', double-faced, non-illuminated subdivision directional sign advert "Time for Living" approx 1/2 mile to the north (2) the sign to observe a O' SB on Balboa Ave. where 10 1 is es tab, at 7250 Eckstrom Ave. betw Hathway St. and Cosmo St.,Zone R-l-5 and has APPROVED (iti:e z:r~e.s s"tt with conditions() c-12993 3 7 75..JL/4:-"o ~ u,-2# 3-3..? 7:2.-.u.- 1,---------