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Development Services

Fabulous Inn. Subd. Map 6478 Card 2

FABULOUS INN. SUBD. MAP 6478 CARD 2.tif FABULOUS!NBS SUBD., MAP 64 78 ~ \{, 1 g.S:)._ (Lt, l1 \\ Card /12 Lot 1 & Lot 1 of Fabulous 5-7- Asst. Z.A. considered appl of Wm. E. & Elmira G. Milligan, Sophie Thu, et al, owners & Fabulous Inns of Amer., lessee to erect approx 266 1 of 8' hi solid wall adj to Interstate 8, obs 5' front yd & to erect approx 155' of 6' hi solid wood fence oq west p.l. encro 20' an Interstate 8 & encro 25' into front yd on Hotel / Circle Pl., where 25' front yd is req on Interstate 8 & Hotel Circle Pl. & where max 3' fence is perm in the req front yd & max 6 1 hi fence is perm in the req interior sideyd, and bas made the following decisions: DENIED the appl as req but APPROVED approx 266 1 of 8 hi solid decorative wall, as shown on plans submitted, adj to Interstate 8, obs 5' front yd & APPROVED 6 1 hi solid wood fence along the west p.l. encro 20' into req 25' front yd on Interstate 8, fence to be reduced to a ht of 3' within the req 25' front yd on Hotel Circle Pl., as per plans on file, Zone R-5. c-9849 5-18-70 Lot 1 & Lot 1 of Fabuloas 5-7- Application of Wm. & Elmira Milligan & Sophie Thu, et al owners & Fabulous Inas of America, lessee was WITHDRAWN- req to (1) const 50' x 100' restaurant & cocktail lounge on lot with exist hotel, Restaurant to obs 6' front yd / on Frontage Rd. & 10' frontyd on Hotel Circle Pl where 25' is req; (2) to provide 123 parking spaces on lot where one space for each 60 sq ft of floor area used for dining & serving of drinks is req, (223 total spaces required) & (3) to eliminate required 10' planting strip adj to east property line at 2485 Hotel Circle Pl., Wly of Hotel Circle nortn, Zone R-5 5-22-70