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Development Services

Fabulous Inn. Subd. Map 6478 Card 3

FABULOUS INN. SUBD. MAP 6478 CARD 3.tif \.,7.,-,,,'l <; i:J.((p lf"\tl FABULOUS INNS SUBD. MAP 6478: 3.CARD h,_ Lot 1- Fabulous 5-7, Map 6337- Permit to Fabulous Inns of America, William A. & Elmira G. MILLIGAN & Richard D. & Sophie V. THU was DENIED as requested, but APPROVED 4-story, 28-room, plus offices, addition to existing 142-room hotel; addition to (I) observe 15' front yard where 25' Is required; (2) observe 10.5 1 rear yard where 45' is required, at 2485 Hotel Circle Place, Zone CR. Conditions. l'i> 0 Case #16195 t4--+ 6b-uro,,,e 1 &.ch~.3-I!-8',.2 (3-);;).- ~ I) 9-11-79