Fairhaven Acres
FAIRHAVEN ACRES.tif FAIRHAVEN A.GRES \l.{qo $-1_!0 \ f\t.A\ Lot 20-?ermit to construct a l2 1 x 141 bdrm add 1n to res., add'n to have 7 1 rearyard, to ~;.b. Shaw, 4959 Lantana Drive. Res #5622 6-28 51 Lot 17- Permit to Ray H & Eliz Schierloh- to oper p2rt-time silverware poilsh bus, 4787 Dwirht St., cond'l Res No. 6533 6-11-52 Lot 52- Permit to Ralph.rl.. Boldrick to canst g,,r with 0 1 side yd, 45' from the front prop line, 5068 Auburn Drive hes No, 7836 10-28-5 Lot 20- Permit to Ellis & Helen Shaw to canst addn to ces, maintaining 8 1 rear yd, at 4959 Lantana Dr, Case l-o. 241 8-1-55 / E Lot 5- Permit to.rl.obert & Y.itylene Yon to const 10 1xl4 1 bdrm ad.dn to res having J:-... J 1 611 side yd & eave extending to prop line, 4778 Dwight St, Res No. 9180 9-28-55 Lot 56- Permit to Josephine N. ';,'isnewski to move garage froL 939 Loring St. to 5044 Auburn Dr. ID: #3278 8-7-59 Lot 50- Permit to Lionel E. & Edith Bliss to move sing fam dwell from Engineer.rl.. rt oovpv to 508Q..c'J..hu.1:D_P.1:.L.i'I.}.____ BLil886_ 5-28-62 Lot 33- Permit to AMENDED request of William E. & Elena Brophy to const sin fam res with balcony to obs 2' interior sideyd where 3' is req, at 4942 Lantana Dr. at the intersec with Dwight St. in the R-4 zone; BKBxaf:tB~ cond'l. Case#9903 6-11-70