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FAIRLAWN.tif FAIRLA','N Lot l- Condl permit to Thos P, Faulconer to const dbl gar & ru\ilpus room(Bedroom) except installation of piiumbing fixtures until final approval of res, Ely 138 1 of Sly 150 1 of Nly of FL 148, facing Bow Ave. o of Dupont Res No, 4358 12-28-49 Lot 3- Permit to George & Mary C, Lazar, Jr., to const den & bath addn to exist. res to obs 28 rec:r yd, & family rm & bedrm addn obs 9 1 rear yd (25 1 re:':); exist. oversize gar obs 71 re r yd (4 1 side yd & 25 1 re,1r yd & 10 1 side yd re J 550 Albion St, R-1~. Case 4056 5-5-61 Lot 5- Permit DENIED to Irving & Dqgmar S. i,ikler to const a 15 1 x 26 1 gar adcln to exist. sing fam res., gar to encro 141 into re~I 20 1 rear yard at 575 "-lbion.:it., "'one R-1-10. Case l,o, 789'j 10-1-4-66