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Fairmount Add Block 4 Card 1

FAIRMOUNT ADD BLOCK 4 CARD 1.tif F AIH.MCUl;T,\.DDi'rI Gl\ bLuCK 4 Block 4, Lot 92 (Resub of Blks 1 to 12) Private garage 53' back of front line, and Permit to F. L, Himdman, 4766 Lantana Dr. Res. 66649 side yard of'. fone JtJ-/3-37 R-4. Blk 4, Lots 76-77- Build a res. within 8 1 of the property line. Permit to ~-:fu. Middlewart.-~-----__ ctes. 51640 9-.30-29 Permit to Dennstedt Co. to build 3 res. on Lots 16-21, Blk 4, Fairmount Add. 7~ 1 from prop. line. lies 74195 5-20-41 Bloclt 4, Lot 4()- Permit to C. 2. l,uckols to i;,ove a frame storage Oldg. from 7504 d,oosevel t St.,_ L-Il_G;;ove ~ to 5015 Auburri Dr.!-fo:'. rtes 669___~--- 2;..28-,ji0 Blk 4, Lot 48,- Permit to iiike O. Severe to move duplex from 1239 Henuricks to 5005-07 Auburn Dr.}il': Res 1029 1-22-51-,'.,:_'.i:ilk 4, Lots 97-99- Permit to riay E. & i,uldred S. Johnson to convert existing gar to liv. unit with a 6 1 rear yard, making 3 liv. units on prop located;.t.375.3-55 Euclid AvA, Cond'l Res 5626 6-26-51 Lot 48- Permit to lhomas A. Stollenwerk to move res. from 836 N. 32nd St. to 5003 Auburn Dr. ffi: &2674 7-17-57 Lots 1- 5 inclusive- (Resub of Blocks 1 to 12)- Permit APPROVED by ZA, to George H. & Jacqueline BYROM/John & Marian OSBORN for conversion of existing basement under single~ family dwelling into a one-bedroom unit on parcel with eight one-bedroom units under construction; new unit to be located on ground floor where all residential use must be located above ground floor, at 4763 Wightman Street, Zone R-3/C. Condition. CASE NUMBER 16379 11-6-79