Fairmount Add Block 4 Card 2
FAIRMOUNT ADD BLOCK 4 CARD 2.tif r=A I RMOUNT ADON. BLOCK 4 CARD #2 Lots 83 & 84- ZA DENIED request of SUN AE V0SGltN to maintain existing conversion of garage to studio dwelling unit, on Jot with two one-bedroom units. The studio unit I) observes a O' interior side yd where a 4' interior side yd is reqd; & 2) a total of three substandard parking spaces are provided where four spaces are required; parking spaces consist of two compact spaces with a turning radius of 8' where a radius of 18' is required and one two- car gandem space with a paved width of 71 611 where a width of 8 1 611 is reqd at 4760 Wightman St., Zone R-1000. C-18600 I 0/19/84