Fairmount Add (Re-Sub Of Blks 1-12)Block 1
FAIRMOUNT ADD (RE-SUB OF BLKS 1-12)BLOCK 1.tif FAIHMCUNT ADDITICN (Re-Sub of Blks l-12) B~ock l Block l, Lots 30-34- Theatre, to the prop-line on rteno Dr. Granted to David H Ryan Res. 58513 6-20-32 Lots 16-17- Permit to G.D. & ~nnlu Page to erect 6 1 free-stand wall on retain. wall from 0' to 4 1 at re-,r. 4824 H.eno Dr. Res No, 4209 10-5-49 Lots 39 & 40- Permit DENIED Henry A. Schmidtke to conv exist gar into store bldg with sing fam res above & maintain 9 1 access, 4813 Univ. Ave. Res lfo, 6214 2-20-52 Lots 39 & 40- Permit to Henry & Eleanor Schmidtke to erect store,,ddn to exist res with 0 1 sideyd & 9 1 access, 4809 Univ, Ave. Res_J;o. 6812 9-17-52 Lots 39 & 40- 6 mos ext to 6812 ABOVE for Henry & ~leanor Schmidtke,___________________________ iles Ng. 7227_ J-1+~5_..,_------~ C.+ Lots: 39 c 40- FINAL ext. to rlenry 2~ Eleanor Schmidtke, il.es. 7227 AECVE Lots 1,2, e.nd 3- AGR.EEl:EKT #645- to ',I. const six light stmd,,.rds and maintain 3 above descrjbed property Res. No. 7788 9-30-53 H. Astler, lice Pres. J.,l. Townsend Co., ft fence posts w~tp no setback, on the 4-l~-50 Inc. Lots 88 & 89- Permit to Roberto & Maria Martinez & Oscar at Auburn St., Zone R-3 to constr 3-story 4-unit apt bldg c-15889 & Eliaabeth ldano at4700 Blk obs 4 1 int side yd. Condit. 4/23/79------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------