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Development Services

Fairmount Add (Re-Sub Of Blks 1-12)Block 2 Card 2

FAIRMOUNT ADD (RE-SUB OF BLKS 1-12)BLOCK 2 CARD 2.tif FAinMCUNT ADDITICN Block 2 Resub of Blocks 1 to 12 Lots l37~ 138, 139- Permit to Harold J. Sto~arsky to const park area in frt SB; parking area to be over fill retained by 12 1 concrete wall, on ~strella Ave, approx. 250 1 S of University betw Reno & 49th St. R-4 zone, per revised plane in Plan. Off., Case 3310 4-29-60 Lots 60 & '61 & E 1ly 14.58 1 of Lot 62- Permit to Claude.2,. Repine to convert exist. 3-bedrm apt to two 1-beldrm apts converting exist. triplex to a four-plex; fourplex to be served oy exist sing car gar where two addn off-st parking spaces are req, at 4,870-72 Auburn Dr,, R-4, (bnd'l Case Ko. 5280 11-13-62 Lots 106,107,108- Tne Z.A. nas considered tne request of F. Van Wormer and Anna Van Wormer to erect approx 115' of ret wall ranging inn~ from 6 1 to 15' with a 6 1 nign solid fence on top thereof on rear and side prop lines, where max 6 1 nigh wall is perm witn a max 3' hign open fence on top tnereof; at 4779 Reno St betw Euclid Ave and Estrella Ave. Zone R-4 and nas DENIED as requested, but APPROVED ret wall with maximum 4 1 hign solid fence on top tnereof. c-11286 6-26-72------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 11 & l2- Permit to H.A. Schmidt to constr. sin. fam. dwell. obs. 10' rear yard where 15 1 is req.- 49th St. bewn. Univ. Ave. and end of cul-de-sac. Zone R-4 C-11844 3-28-73 Lots 84 and 85- Permit APPROVED by ZA to ROBERT P. AND DEBORAH J. DEFORGE to construct a 3-story, 4-unit apartment building, structure to observe 4 1 interior side yards where 71 is required, at 4784 Auburn Drive, Zone R-3. Conditions. C-17242 5-29-81