Fairmount Add (Re-Sub Of Blks 1-12)Block6
FAIRMOUNT ADD (RE-SUB OF BLKS 1-12)BLOCK6.tif / {i_, Fl.Ll11CUNT A.;JlTidJ (Resub of Elks. 1-12) Block 6 Block 6. (~esub of Elks, 1-12) Lots 18-::>.l- For., R.esirience set-back 111 on Castle St., DZNE D to Frieda M. T'alcott, by Hes. 70179. 10-24-39 Lots 24 t.o 27- Permit to John.. Sherman to o;erate Copper Flating business in a 12 1x20 1 portion of an existing bldg, at %29.:.uclid.-..ve, Res Lo. 1924 12-5-46 Lots 15 & 16- Permit to;..Jg,{r;. Eour;uin to bld 4-unit apt., 2 units not on 10 1 access ct., in 4800 bl.k on Castle Ave.}j.es, 5603 0-13-51 Lots 22 and 23- Permit to Hattie:ierce (amendment to}fr'. Res 1396) HJ.I Res. 1407 6-16-52 Lot 22- Permit to Hattie Fierce to move;;torage bldg from 4376 40th St. to:36JJ :ucJid Aye. b'ri des. 1396 6-9-52 Lots 1 & 2-: ermit to Hoga.rth Ifachine Co. Inc., to maintain exisL. macnine shop with maxi/ 7 max employees & JO hp, 4765 Castle Ave ~one C, Ccnd 11 Caseti2815 9-16-59 Lots 24 thru 27, Fermit to James J e.: Bess B. ,Ials:h, owner & City Carl.Jonie Inc., lessee (C.J. Kennedy, Pres.) to operate sales & service/ Ciiroonic gass business (sodcJ. ftn repair & service) max 3 employees, 3629 iuclid Ave. C zone, to expire J-J-61, cond'l (denied re~ for 5 yrs) Case h3340 5-6-60 Lots l & 2- Permit to Frank L. & Alma R. Morehouse, & John L. & Evelyn L. Robinson to maint exist machine shop with 30 h.p. where max 10 h.p. is perm at 4765 Castle Ave. SE cor Castle Ave. & Euclid Ave. Zone C, condl C-9583 11-13-69---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots l & 2, Permit to Frank L. and Alma R. Morehouse (amendment to C-9583) to operate screen manuf. and rP.pair operation in place of machine shop at 4765 Caltiet-':'ff.ue, south.east cqrner Castle Ave. and Euel id Ave., Zone C. (;,., l-- ... ND/{lt?;,/.ft..,...