Fairmount Addn. Block 22 Card 1
FAIRMOUNT ADDN. BLOCK 22 CARD 1.tif W QGK 22 CARD/fol to Ingalf M. & Helen A. Halverson-,.o oper radio & TV repair F AT11Fc,tlNT HlDTTION Lots 3 & 4- Fermit service, p,irt time, at 4085-48th St., l yr. cond 11 . rte J;9. 9997_ 8-17-55__ Lots 19-22- Fermit to It2-.lian lull Gospel ~hruch to move bldg. from 4314 Georgia to 4019- 48th St. ---~ -----__ JiI,I#2251___... J,l.-:Q:'."'.22..______ ~ Lots 15 & 16- rermit to Italian full Gospel Chunch to move bldg. from 40ll-48th St.___ t-o~4-0~J..8th__S.t.________________ fil{__ ~___________]2-15-55_ Lots 3 & 4- 1 yr. ext. to Ingalf M & Helen A Halverson to Ofer radio & TV repair serv. at L1DB5 l,Stb st, cond'l, Res. 9097 ABCVE Case No. 575 6 h 56 Lots 19-22- Z.A. considered app of Full Gospel Church of::,. J. to const pre-..:.iuhday School chaI;el addn to e.ist church loc:c,ted in C.:.one; addn to be located in rl.-4 Zone & to obs 6 1 front yd where 15 1 front yd is re" aJ1d result in approx 6~ coverage of the R-4 por where raruc coverage of 50% is perm., at 4011-48th St. betw University & Polk Aves; ~one R-4 (19 & 20) c1.nd C (21 & 22), cilld has DENIED 6 1 front yd & 6Sf, coverage, but AF,ROVED 12 1 front yd anci 65% coverage, Cond'l. Case No. 8291 9-21-67 AFPEAIED and TAbLlD pending corr.pliance with condition tlF.t adjacent property be ac-uired by the applicant. Case ho. 8291 10-25-67 rteopened & Granted 5-27-68 ~- /,;J.- I;).- 7 S"