Fairmount Addn. Block 22 Card 2
FAIRMOUNT ADDN. BLOCK 22 CARD 2.tif FAIRMOUNT ADDITION BLOCK 22 CARD#2 Lots 29 & 30- Application withdrawn by Herbert C. Bailey & Pauline c. Bailey to construct 30' x 60' two story block Hobby shop, storage and garage building addition on lot witn existing single family residence. Addition to boserve 10' rear yard where 15' is req and O' interior side yard where 3' is req, at Estrella Avenue bet Polk Ave and University Ave., Zone R-4. c-10219 12-11-70 Lot 31.-:)6- Permit to Sinmons- Bailey, Gen Partsp. to elimi. appr. 125' of 6 1 high fence req. to separate park. from adj. resi. zone property at 4044 Estrella Ave. Zoned R-3A. C- 13229 7-17-75 Permit to the Ful I Gospel Church of San Diego to use Lots 17 and 18 for parking in con- nection with the church on Lots 19-22, parking to be developed on Lots 17 and 18, located north of University Avenue between 48th Street and Euclid Avenue. Zone R-3A. Condi- tions. C-14556. 10-26-77. Lots 15 and 16- Permit GRANTED to ROBERT J. CASTRO, an individual, owner/permittee, to construct and operate an elderly housing project located on the east side of 48th Street between Polk and University avenues, Zone R-3A. CUP 82-0372 11-2-82