Fairmount Addn. Block 24
FAIRMOUNT ADDN. BLOCK 24.tif BLOCK 24. Lots 47 & 48- Permit to Faul s.::iller to move 1-:,tory frm res from 1103 3igsbee to S'' cor of "olk & ','inona, Cond 1l HH rl.es 75 11-19-48 Lots 35 &: J6,.. Permit to 1.-.'m D. Baker to const duplex with 24 1 ~B at 4046,.inona St. Contl 1l i{es No, 5572 5-31-51 Lots 43 & 44- Permit to bol}, Tintinger to move res from 4449 Central Ave to 4076.inona._ J:ly:e_._.. H1:1 i3,El!3 2487:L:-4:-57__________ Lots 13-15- Z.A. considered the applic,tion of john R. Bell & Don & Ada Fritz to const 16-uni t apt bldg covering appcox 55% of the lot &,ii th structure proijecting across 12 1 access court at front of structnne where max 50% coverage is perm & 12 1 access court free & clear to the sky is re~>, at 4041-49th., approx 200 1 North of Unvi. Ave., Zone n.-4 & DENIED the rq 55% coverage but AlliW lD 51~ and A,Fn.CED access court as req,, cand 11. Case No. 6760 10-26-64 Six month extensi'.on granted to AEVh.. Case (67o0) to expire Ocotber 26, 1965,,-.11 ~--;,90-~ exumsion f~ranted to ABOVE Case (6760) to expire 1-26-66 10-27-65