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Fairmount Addn. Block 37 Card 1

FAIRMOUNT ADDN. BLOCK 37 CARD 1.tif FAiiliIOUKT h:JDITI;,K BLOCK 37 Lots 13-l.4-}'rivde garage to the front F.L. at 4261 ,:inona St., Dfil,IED to.,, R Dobbin. (fa,putes 11-J4-35} N 15 1 Lot 29 & al:U. Lot JO- fernit to Joseph bollinger to conot .ing. fam. res., 4222-50th St. where duplex already e.xists, to have 3 16 11 access. es to Lot 4, & Nl2 ft. Lot 5- fermit to A?isher to use this parcel_;:;erill:itted in,,-4 zone, with 37~ feet on ill.Ilona.St,................... S-424..____ J-2,.;;...,-:.i5CJ..7_______ ~t 6, ~ S 12 ft. Lot 5- Per~~ to I <~ Leop?ld~to use this p.rceI permitted in rt-4 z1ne, J,f' J7,, ft. front"'ge on mi;.nona qt.::--4,;;5 3-21-57 Lots 1-3- fermit to hcward E.?uller to const 8 units to front of e.xist a~t, making total 16 units, addn to obsv 20 1 3B (21 19" re~), at 4953 ,.rojan Ave., "'one R-4--------------------~---~Case 2559 6 ll-59 Lots 33-36- Z,A. has considered appl of Lowell Theatres Corp, purch and Roger Gasking, Owner to erect 18-unit apt with 2 balconies obs 11' front yd where 15' is req, and to erect 34 of retaining wall ranging in height from O' to 8 1 obs O' front yd and O' int side yd where max 3' wall is perm in req 15' front yd and max 6 1 wall is perm in req 4 1 interior side yd on 50th St betw Orange & Trojan Ave, Zone R-4, and has DENIED the projecting balconies, but APP.ROVED retaining wall as req, c-102n 1-28-71------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABOVE APPEALED- APPEAL DENIED and tne decision of the Z.A. is sustained and affirmed. c-102n 3-15-n I__.-