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Fairmount Addn. Block 39

FAIRMOUNT ADDN. BLOCK 39.tif FAI.tG.fCUNT ADDITION BLOCK 39 Eor Lots 4/J-42- hm. F. Sweeney DENIED permission to const 4-unit apt bldg on site with non-conforming exist res, which obs 3' rear yd (10 1 req) at 51st betw Trojan & orange Ave., R-4 Zone. Case t?Ll,R 4-17-59 Lots 25 thru 30- The Assistant Z.A, considered the applic,1tions of Dr. I+, nald L. & Cora M. iloodley to const.3-story, 25-unit apt bldg obs 0 1 street siU:e yard on Orange "ve. where 10 1 is res.uired, 15 1 GB on 51st.:.t. where average of the bloll"k of 16 1 is req,, & to const roof over and install double doors across entrance to res 12 1 access court, 85 1 curb cut on 51st St, to allow access to off-street carport parking under building, .-1here maximum 121 access unobstructed to sky is re;uired, on Orange Avenue, J\:orthwest corner 51st Jt. & Grange "ve., 2:one R-4, and has DEI~IED the 0 1 street side yard but apvroved 5 1 street side yard, has APPrlOVED roofing; over & instalH.t:i:on of double doors across the entrance access court, & has AL ROI.ED 15 1 SB, ccndl. 6 mos ext, to exp 10-23-65- (3-24-65) Case #6731 & 6770 10-2J-64__ Qne yr,-J-66- (9-27-65)--~-, 6 mos. ext to exp 3-31-67- (9-13-66) to ABOVE Cases t;o 6731