Fairmount Addn. Block 40 Card 2
FAIRMOUNT ADDN. BLOCK 40 CARD 2.tif FAIRMOUNT ADDITION BLOCK 40 CARD #2 Lots 20-24- ZA APPROVED request of SECURITY NATIONAL, LTD., A CALIF. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP to maintain a 2 1 x 12 1611 meter enclosure observing a 13 1 front yd on 51st St. where 15 1 is reqd & to maintain a 4 1 x 7', 8 1 hi entry bridge on Orange Avenue, observing at closest point a 3' street side yd where 10' is reqd & max. 3' height is permitted at 51st St. & Orange Ave. with cond. c-18850 7/3/85