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Fairmount Addn. Block 45 Card 1

FAIRMOUNT ADDN. BLOCK 45 CARD 1.tif FAIRMOUNT ADDITION (TRACT 1368) BLOCK 45 ' Lots 16- 17 Permit to Joseph & Mary Piscopo to constr 17' x 42 1 carport on rear & side property line obs 0' side (3'req), coverage 62% total (50% perm)- 4313- 49th St; Zone R-4; Condi. Case No. 4167 6-16-61 Lots 18-19- The Z.A. considered th~-;~~;~~t-~f Charlene Larosse, Owner and Gary Emblem, purch to constr a 23' x 17'-10" bedroom and den addn, and to convert exist 24' x 28 1 gar to bedroom-study-family room and bath addition to exist sin fam dwell; (1) addn and gar conversion to obs a 3 1 int sideyd, where 4' is req (2) gar conversion to obs a 13' rear yard, where 15' is req and (3) addn to result in 56% lot cov where 5/Y/, is perm, at 4311 49th St betw Tor jan Ave and El Cajon Blvd Zone R-4 and has DENIED the garage convers ic APPROVED addition to obs 3' int sideyard and APPROVED 53,25% coverage. c-12392 2-1-74--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 18-19- Permit to Gary Emblem to convert exist sin fam dwell to a res care home for 10 persons as licensed by the State of California dept of Social Welfare, at 4311-49th St. betw Trojan Ave. and El Cajon Blvd, Zone R-4. Cond'l. C0Y::?~~-::1--.!t:Z..-f:_______________________________ ~=~~:~--------------~=~=~~--------- Lots 18 & 19- Conditional Use Permit granted by the Planning Commission to RODGER C. PALMER to expand the board-and-care facility from 10 to 15 persons,located on the east side of 49th St. between El Cajon Blvd. & Trojan Ave., in the R-3A Zone. CUP 10-620-0 3/5/81