Fairmount Addn. Block 52 Card 1
FAIRMOUNT ADDN. BLOCK 52 CARD 1.tif FAiil.l-;GUNT ADDITICN nLl..CK 52 Lots 7-8- Cor,d 11 pe.mit to Bonnie;:illcox to erect 2-car gar with apt above, 3 exist res units, 6 1 access ct., 4165-63-61 vharr,oune.________________ rtes No. 4908 9-6-50-..................,.., CAI\D #J Lots 43 & 44- C ndl rermit to,iley;;, & c3ther 1-:. lV::cSpadden to erect duplex in rear of exist sihg fam res,._1;.180 /;.6th St. Ii.es l;o. 6o6'l 12-12 51 Lots 7 & 8- Permit to C ii & Sffie H Cary to canst one unit above exist gar., to be served by 6 1 access, making 4 units on lot, E side vharr~une betw folk~ Orange.-:: ~ "' Por Lots 20-22- Permit DENIED to S.A. & Artie Sisley to constr approx 11' x 40' carport addn to exist sin fam dwell; posts to obs 1 16" interior side yd where 3' is req & eaves to obs O' interior side yd where 2 1 611 is req but APPROVED with posts obs 3' interior side yd with eaves obs 2' interior side yd where 2 1 611 is req at 4109 Chamoune Ave. betw Polk Ave. & Orange Ave., Zone R-4. C-9828 4-20-70 Lots 37 and 38- Permit GRANTED to ROBERT CASTRO, an individual, owner/permittee, to establish a senior citizen housing project located on the west side of 46th Street between Orange and Polk Avenue, Zone R-3A. CUP #83-0242 8-18-83