Fairmount Addn. To City Heights Block 54
FAIRMOUNT ADDN. TO CITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 54.tif . FAIRMOUNT ADDITION TO CITY HEIGHTS E 35' of Lot 1 & E 35' of No 14'7" of Lot 2- & sell aprons, etc.; 4467 Orange Ave; Condi. BLOCK 54 Permit to Nellie B. Graves to make Res. 8501 9-29-54 Lots 16 & 17- Condi permit to Mr. & Mrs. Robt. P. Quiett to move in ~ingle fam res on front por of property; one exist unit having 11 611 side yd where 3' req; rear unit obs 10 1 rear yd from C/L of alley where 15' rear yd req; w/4' betw exist living units where 6 1 req; & w/1 unit to be served by 8 1 access court where 10' req; making total of 3 units on property; 4129 Highland Ave; Zone R-4, Case No. 1651 2-14-58 Lots 22 & 23- Permit DENIED BY ZA to James T. Millard, (owner); Robert D. DePhilippis, (purchaser), to construct a two-story, seven-unit apartment building observing; (1) a 2' street side yard on Polk Avenue where 9' is required; (2) one parking space to observe 0' Street side yard where 9' is required, and (3) provide 120 sq. ft. of landscaping where 846 sq. ft. is required, at 4466 Polk Avenue, zone R-3-A. Case 16622 3-14-80 Lots 24 & 25- ZA APPROVED request of JOHN & SHARON GEARY to maintain a 6'hi, 74' long wood fence observing a O' street side yard setback where the max, height of 3' is per- mitted within the 10' street side yard setback at 4102 45th St,, Zone R-600, Mid-City Planned District with conds. C-19092 2/10/86---------------------------------------------------------------------------------