Fairmount Addn.Block 28
FAIRMOUNT ADDN.BLOCK 28.tif FAIRMOUNT ADDITION BLOCK 28 Lots 20 & 21- Permit to Stanley Munick to maintain duplex, 3 units on property, one unit w/8' access; 4109-4111 Winona Ave. Res. 6331 4-2-52 Lot 43 (Exe So 5') Permit to Chas. A. Norman to erect single fam res in addn to 2 exist single fam res, making 3 units, 2 served by 9'~' access; 4178- 50th St. Res. 7225 3-4-53 Lots 20 & 21- Permit to Andrew & Eleanor Kjelstrom DENIED to convert exist garage to single fam unit, making 5 units on parcel with exist duplex at rear obs 8 1 access court (10' req); 4109 Winona Ave, Zone R-4. Case No. 3297 4-18-60