Fairmount Addn.Block 32 Card 1
FAIRMOUNT ADDN.BLOCK 32 CARD 1.tif '..,,... FAiill'iOUNT A8DITICN BLOCK 32 cad CAR.O #1 Wly 40 1 of Lots 43 to 46- Jean A. Bovet D:c;J\IED permit to operate a nursery, retail sales only, including sale of insecticides, rackaged fertilizer, at 4777 Orange '':venue. rtes No. 3531 11-3-48 Lots 18 & 19- Permit to Erank L & LaBelle F. Fischl ~o coLat duplex making 3 liv units, the duplex to be; served by 91 2 11 access, at 4123 i:.uclid Ave., C zone East 50'-0" of Lots 22 and 23- Permit DENIED by ZA to LOUIS E. CHESNER AND ROBERT M. CLARK to maintain a garage converted to a studio apartment on a lot with an existing single-family dwelling to: (1) provide zero parking spaces where three are required; (2) observe 3 1 0" interior side yard where 4 1-011 is required; (3) observe a 5'-0" distance between dwellings where 6 1-011 is required; (4) observe a 5 1-0" rear yard where 15 1-011 is required; and (5) provide approximately 200 sq. ft. of landscaping where 300 sq. ft. is required, located at 4764 Polk Street, Zone R-600. C-18123 12-2-83 [_(_'.__ (