Fairmount Addn.Block31
FAIRMOUNT ADDN.BLOCK31.tif FAIRMCUNT ADDITICN BLOCK 31 Block 31, Lots 19-23- Suspending set-back; (First United Brethern Church) Res 36763 2-8-26 Lots 33-36 & N 20' of 32- Convert a commerical chicken ranch at 4140 Estrella St. into a commercial Kursery in.:.one R-4. REVCCABLE permit to H. L. Nelson. 4J30 Estrella St. Res #72766 11-26-40 Lots 33-36 & N 20 1 of Lot 32-?ermit to H. L. Nelson to operate Commerical liursery at 4140 Estrella St. Res No. 1562 s-2,-46 Lots 19 thru 23- Permit to Euclid Evangelical United Brethern Church to const 7'x7 1x2 1k" bulletin bo.1rd free-standing sign to observ. req. SB, at 4101-48th St., Case #1458 l~-11-57 R-4