Fairmount Annex #1 Block 1 Card 1
FAIRMOUNT ANNEX #1 BLOCK 1 CARD 1.tif F AIR.:,,OUNT AI:NEX NO.1 I/~ ' S: J. r '\ f 71 7 Block 1 Card #t Lots 1-3-;_;ondl permit to J.,t. & main 2 exist light standards~-- &-El (; aioo..___ Townsend Go., Inc. to conut 6 light standards 3' fence posts, 0 1 setback, SE cor lairmcunt A-645 1tes i\o. 4579 4-5-50 Lots 1-3 A-1413- l~:i.ry;;;. 'lownsend to erect signs which encroach inte st. widening 1-~-66 Lot 1-3- AGili,:ii,!::.:;l~T;;12.34- sign to be m,:ved if st widened- 4.361 il,]ajon,;"':;~~...;r--------------------------------.2-l.1t.-.~6=..2~---- Lots 1-.3- Apprvd. apr;lic of i'iary i. To;msend, owner, J.,t. TO.. fr:.iwD Co~--(Gollege Motors) lessee to erect one 95.5 sq, ft. dble-faced, lighted sign, 45' high w/posL obs 5 1 SE and edge of arrow proj 2 1 over publ,rop on Fairmount Ave. where no structures, incl signs, aie perm in 10 1 estab st widening Sb; 4361 il Cajon Elvd. at 5.S cor of inters w/Fairmount Ave., Zone C, subj. to cond. Setback;:;usp C-8533 See agreement No. 1525 2-7-68 Lots 36 & 37- Permit to El Cajon Blvd. Properties to remove exist dwelling & develop parcel for customer parking lot for fabric store located in tne "C" zone across alley nortnerly at 4268 44tn st. betw E.c. Blvd. & Orange Ave., Zone R-4, condl c-9651 1-9-70 Lot l,2,3- Penait to S.D. Trust Sav ll&Dk aad Shell 011 Co. to contr aad operate a ervice tation, located at tbe SE cor at El CaJon lll'Yd aad r'irmoun.t Ave. c. Zoae 302-PC 10-21-71------------------------------------------------------------------------------------