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Fairmount Park Block C

FAIRMOUNT PARK BLOCK C.tif FAIRMOUNT PARK BLOCK c d i1l{- S----- Lot 8- Permit of Wm & Darlene Love to const 2-story bedroom, famrm & bath addn & 4' x 20' porch addn to exist sin fam res, result in approx 44% cov where max 40% perm DENIED BUT APPROVED 41% cov, 4027 Juniper St, Zone R-1-5, condil C-6693 8-31-64 Lot 21- Permit to Fred K. Shestakoff to const famrm addn to exist sin fam res, addn to' encr 5' into req 20' rearyd, 2225 Midvale St, Zone R-1-5. c-7869 9-22-66