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Development Services

Fairmount Park Block G

FAIRMOUNT PARK BLOCK G.tif 7.&IRMOUKT PARK BtOCK G Lot.35- Robe~ W. & Ardell o. Marlin t.o const rumpus room with bar sink, 2012 Tulip St.,)&Ql Agreent No. 1174 5-28-62------------------------------------------------------ Lot 22- Permit to Clifford L. Clement & June L. Clement, 2226 Tulip to install & maint a concrete block retaining wall for the use & benefit of owner's property over Tulip St. in front condl Res. 128308 8-30-55 Lot 20- Permit to JC & Margery Waddel to main covered patio att to gar (over 500 s~ ft) obs 4' rearyd & 38 sideyd, 2225 Crenshaw. Res #7766 9-30-53 Lot 35- Permit to Robert & Ardell Marlin to const I 1/2 story rumpus rm with bath at rear of exist sin fam res, connecting res with open pergola, result in 42% cov approx where 40% permi, 2012 Tulip St, Zone R-1, cond'I. C-4955 5-25-62 Lot 30- AGREEMENT w/WILLIAM & BERNADETTE SAMPSON to add a bedroom with full bath to an existing SFD. Addition has separate exterior access and interior access from a common hall- way, at 2112 Tulip St, Map 2878, Rl-5000 zone. Agree It 4016 6/9/88