Faiway Park #1 Card 1
FAIWAY PARK #1 CARD 1.tif FAIRWAY PARK #1 l_e 1,i C:> d-:., d- \ 1 \ \ Lotsl55-159 Incl. and Lot 163- Permit to Avco Community Developers to maintain for a period of one yr; (1) Exist, single-faced, unlighted, subd. ID sing, overall hgt- 52 11, face of sign- 2 '8f' by 9 110", on Lot 163, to obs setback of 10' from Mt Ararat Dr. where 15' is req; t2) Five model homes on Lots 155 through 159; (3) Sales Office in garage on model home on Lot 159; (4) Nine pennants (four on Lot 159, and one each on Lotsll58,157 and 156, and two on Lot 155), overall hgt- 18' size of pennant- 3' x 5' to obs setback on 2' where 41 from side property line and 15' from Mt. Ariane Dr. is req; and (5) One sal.es sign, overall hgt- 2 1 face of sign- l.2" x 22", and four model ID sings, overall hgt- 2' face of signs- 11" x 27"; where such use must 45el!lllinate two yrs after subdivision map has been recorded {ll-6-70) and where subd ID sign must be on same lot as sales office, where pennants are not a perm use, and where such use may not be estab closer than 200' from any occup dwell unit not in the same subd; Lots 155-159 incl and Lot 163, 3700 Block Mt. Ariane Dr. at the woutheast corner of its intersection with Mt, Ararat Dr. Zone R-1-5 and (1) APPROVED; (2) APPROVED: (3) APPROVE[(4) DENIED; (5) APPROVED Cond'l c-11,853 4-18-73 I oY