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Development Services

Faiway Park #1 Card 2

FAIWAY PARK #1 CARD 2.tif FAIRWAY PARK # 1 J.s::i \7\\ Lot 159- Permit to Avco Community Developers, Inc. to use model nome as a temporary sales office at 37n Mt. Ariane Dr. zone R-1-5. AGREE 1758 5-5-72 Lot 77- AGREEMENT to Keisuke & Taeko Hasegawa to constr 2nd story addn w/bar sink in den addn to exist sin fam dwell at 3425 Mt. Arian Dr., Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2308 10/3/77 Lot 44- Permit to Ronald E. McCann to const a det dble-gar with guest house above on lot with exist sgle-fam dwell, at 3484 Ariane Dr., Zone R--1-5, Condit. CUP 15762 3/5/79 Lot 106- Permit to Lewis & Gloria Devigili to constr 535 sq ft fam rm addn obs at cl pt a 16' rear yd, at 3490 Mt. Burnham Pl, Zone R-1-5. Condit. c-15897 3/14/79 Parcel 1, P.M. 8615 Being a Portion of Lot 55- Permit APPROVED by ZA, to Earl S. and Gloria E. Ensberg to erect approximately 333' of retaining wall ranging in height from 3' to 10' observing a O' interior side yard on the east where a maximum 6 1 high wall is permitted in an established 20' and required 4 1 interior side yard, at 3430 Mt. Ariane Drive, Zone R-1-5. Condition. CASE 16574 NH 1-22-80