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Development Services

Fed Mart Tract #2 Card 2

FED MART TRACT #2 CARD 2.tif Card No. 2 FED MAH.T TrtACT if2 Lot J, Parcel C- Permit to franchise Interstate 11.ealty Corp. to erect approx 180' of block r, retaining wall varying in height from 7' to 14' along rear and side prop line where a 10' high wall is perm, on Convoy St. betw Gthello St. & Kearny Kesa lid., Zone M-lA, Cond 11. Case No. 7955 N.H. 11-15-66--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s 80 1 o.f Parcel D being a Por. Lot 3- App l':ITHDH.A:vJN o.f FED-HAH.T CO.i-i.F., owner & Colonels Kentucky Fried Chicken, lessee to erect 80 s~. ft., J5 1 high: revolving ground sign.with post obs 18 1611 SB and edge of sign obs 1,4 1611 SH on Convoy St. where 25 1 SB is estab (See App No. 533 and C-7838 & C-7839), on Convo. St. approx 200' Sly of Othello Ave. on W1 ly side, Zone M-lA. Case No. b022 2-10-67 Por. Lot 3- Permit DENIED to Fed-lfart Corp., owner & Colonel I s Kentucky Fried Chicken, lessee to maintain and complete const of food stand which oos approx 21 1211 SB on Convo;: 3t. and erect 80 sq. ft., 35' high revolving ground sign with post obs approx 15 1 8 11 SB, edge of sign obs approx 11'7" SB on Convoy St. where 25' SB is estab (see C-8022) at 4040 Convoy St., approx 200' S1 ly of Othello Ave. on the W1 ly side, S1 ly 80 1 Parcel 11D11, D.P. 158, lone M-lA. Lot 2 (Por) sign, total sign obs 6 1:i:;one M-lA. \::.:, i- Permit DENIED to Kim Realty, Inc., sq ft 216 sq. ft., overall height of SB where 25 1 estab SB exists on both Case No. 8037 J-1-67 for permission to erect a two-panel pole sign 30', base of pole obs 10' SB, edge of Convoy & Othello Sts., at 8001 Othello St., 1,;ase No. 8835 9-9-68