Fern Glen Colony Card 1
FERN GLEN COLONY CARD 1.tif FEHN GUi~ CULCNY d--'\, I.\'\. ~- ~ \.\ ~' \ ~ t?7 CARD4Pl Lots 6 & 7- Permit to?ern Glen Developraent Co. to divide into 3 parcels, accoroing..... to plat on file & to constr, one family res. on each parcel; said parcels having c~ frontage on vista de la FLiya of less than full width of lot;;,,J.y end of /ista de la PJ ay:a it.es J\o. 2112 '3-B-47 Lot 11- Permit granted to Grace and Richard h. Taube to const. res. otc;;erving r-e'-uired 4 ft, sideyard, bnth rd th "l8 in eoves,,~t ,31 /ista de la Flaya. Jes 2'346 7:.;-47 Lot 13- Permit to LL..tiauch to erect::.ddn to ueurrr. & tath, said addn to have 12 1 rearyd for one port.ion; exist re::, has 4 1 sideyd on.e,;t::,icie at 347 vista de la Fla.ya Res 5448 4-4::-2.l.._________ Lot lj- Fermit to L. Lee Rauch and Kathryne Booth l,auch to cons becirru ~ b-.. th addn to exist covered patio, said addn to be useci a~: aervont I s uart.ers & to l1ave 8 1 re~ryd, at 374 Jista de la Playa- Cond 11.,tes 5498 5-2-51 Lot 5- Permit to ifary b. Lyon, owner, & i <'red & Lgt J:ooynton, purch. to const aad. to exist res. which obs 11 1 re,r yd & 3 1-8 11 side yd., firepl.. obs 1811 siae ya (5 1 sicie & 25 1 rea re_.) add. to obs 11-ft. re?.r yd,, 312 vista de la Play a, Zone 1.-1, add. to conform to...ar..chitectural appearance of exist, s:Lruc,___c_a:;,e I-;o. aid5 J-J.J.,-59 For Lot.17- Permit to 'i'itus G. & Amelie;{. Lei.:lair to erect 6} 1 high fence on top of retaining walls ranging in heiihs r'rom 2 1 to 31, re,:;ulting in overall total height of 6 1 to 8 1 above average adj r;round level wnere 6 1 max height is permitted, at 303 Vista de la Flaya, '.i of l-,onte Vista Ave., R-1 zone. ~ase t,o. 5909 9-12-63