Fifth St Addn. Block 11
FIFTH ST ADDN. BLOCK 11.tif FIFTH STREET ADDITION BLOCK 11 000517 S B,.f'-/-l7Jq 13 Lots 1 thru 9 & 17, 18, 19- Permit DENIED Solano Investment Corp. to const 42 wrl.t apt devel.opment; structures to obs all SB & yd requirements with balconies obs ll I SB.from Bachman Pl.ace where 15 1 is req & req parking obs 0 1 distance.from p.l. on Bachman Place & Arbor Dr., at 41.74 Third Ave. betw Arbor Dr. & Montecito WV, R-4 Zone. Case No. 5940 12-5-63------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 15.& 16, 11- Fence Var. approved by SCA- Bill Whitehouse. & Edward Sanchez request to maintain fencing, in violation, at 4162 3rd Avenue, MP-BOOB Zone C-21189 7-21-94