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Fifth St Addn. Block 7

FIFTH ST ADDN. BLOCK 7.tif FIFTH 3TREET h.,,DITICK oLOCK 7,, Lots 37 thru 43 & st clsd adj-?ermit to H. Umansky, l!;dward i1,,rper, i-;oritz l:iaas, owners, & Edward balcer, pur., to const 2-.;;tory bldg wit!} 27 units on par,.,aving____ limited st.___f;r_._,___ sis1../i..Z4.e: 4th A:irn..,_&-,..1,.,. ~ond'l.:-ies ho. 9417 2-15-56______ Lots 37 t.hru 43 &::;t cld adj- 6 mo. ext. to 9417 iiliCT"-', ii. Umansky, ~d ric.trper,}.orit.zj-iil,!).g_,_QWD.ers},-,_E:;dw Balcer pi..r, 4242..,th..:;ase ho. 570 6-14-56 Lots 29 & 30- Fermit i)ID;l"D Hr. Inez "ones to convert g,r undesneath apt to apt making total of J units on:c'lr with one unit at t1.e rear of lot cbs 41 access ct., exist 4 1 rearyd & stai::"way on gsr obs 1 1 sideyd.,::i.t 4212-4th Ave., Zone l:l.-4.------------- Case No, 4957 f;-7-62