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First Addn. Pacific Beach Vista Tract Block 11

FIRST ADDN. PACIFIC BEACH VISTA TRACT BLOCK 11.tif F... ii../1';,Di,JITIOl, TG FA;;I/IC BEACH VI;,,TA 'l'RA,;T f/1!# ih Ci\ ll ~.;l5 Lots 1-2-3- Permit to Andrew T. La rointe to divide 3 lots at right angels into 2 a;c1-rox. eqqal bldg. sites, & to erect sin1:; iam res on ea., on s::; ccner o~ Archer St. & c;ass st. cond'J, aes 5516 5-4 51 11. 50' Locs--~ & por Lot 4 (& N 50' of;:,or Lot 4, blk 10, Lente illa Tr.) at ~E cor 'Jar; NJ.!Ys & Cass St_s-~_J:ei;;t s;i,J_ie i'2;.."!l l',,es l,o. 6297_.3-19-52 Por Lots 1-2-3-:ermit to bert D. & Edith h.rker to con::;t 5'x7 1-6 11 b:,thrm,cudn, in att gcir., to sinf: fam:e::;; addn obs 19 1 re r;,ard .-,:,ere a 20 1 re:ir yard isre;. at 1011__ Archer:,t.,,-J-5 zone, cond'l.,.;i!.eJ,o_.__,6_7.14.. 9.c:A~_(;,_4____________?or Lots 1-2-3- Permit to bert D. & 1dith,arker t-o coiuGr fireplace add to exist res; add 0bs 1] 1-8 11 SB l'rom 'rcl,er (15 1 re:,) u.t 1011,;.rcher.:.,t., Zone it-1-5. c-6726 9-15-64 Por (N 62.5') Lots 1-3- Permit to Paul & Ann Wolff to const a second-story addn to an exs nonconf sfd: (I) addn to obs a 13,5' front yard on Archer Street; (2) fireplace to obs 12' front yard on Archer Street; (3) second-story deck to obs 7.5 1 front yard on Cass Street (exs structure obs 7.5' front yard). Condition. 1011 Archer Street. C-15629.N~ll-15-78. Zone R-1-5.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------