First Addn. Pacific Beach Vista Tract Block 5 Card 3
FIRST ADDN. PACIFIC BEACH VISTA TRACT BLOCK 5 CARD 3.tif f, FIRST ADDITION TO PACIFIC BEACH VISTA TRACT BLOCK 5 Lot 72- Permit to Duane & Laura Hancock to const a I0.5'xl2' kitchen addn for an exs sfd; addn to res in 43% coverage at 971 Archer Street. Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-14335, 6-8-77. Lot 37- Permit APPROVED by ZA to DAVID THOMPSON to construct an addition to an existing single-family dwelling, 8'-2" in length, to encroach 1'-0" into the required 4'-0" side yard, located at 919 Archer Street, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-18356 NH 4-16-84